
Filling lunch boxes throughout Flanders, with Crisp & Pelicano*


The school bell has rang again for the first time. The time to start planning lunch for your kids. But bringing a well stocked lunchbox to school every day is not self-evident for all children. Online supermarket Crisp didn’t want to ignore the growing issue, and therefore joined forces with Pelicano, a local child poverty foundation, for an initiative throughout Flanders.

With the ‘Generous Lunch Box’-package, you can easily order a healthy lunch for the whole week, while a child in poverty also receives a balanced and delicious lunch for a week. Apart from the donations that Crisp makes - €10 per  ‘Generous Lunch Box’-package sold -Crisp clients can also donate freely to Pelicano. Are you in? Check out more info in the app.

Thank you Crisp, for aligning closely with us regarding our local market needs and most of all, for making a difference.