
MURAL: The mountain sat upon the plain*


You thought we were done with bringing murals to life? Think again! We are very grateful, honored and blessed to create a brand new mural with the most brilliant and amazing artists Zenith and Larsen Bervoets. As always, the unique atmosphere on this lovely summernight was captured by the talented Filip Van Roe. 

It is always a pleasure to create art in the public space together, adding meaning, uniqueness and love to our city and communities. 

‘The mountain sat upon the plain
In his eternal chair,
His observation omnifold,
His inquest everywhere.

The seasons prayed around his knees,
Like children round a sire:
Grandfather of the days is he,
Of dawn the ancestor.’

- Emily Dickinson

We had some great partners in this one, with TVH group providing our lift, Stad Antwerpen & Infrabel providing all permits and even some befriended neighbours helping us camp out for the night. Keep an eye out, because we are not done yet.