


You thought compression socks were for grannies only, right? Think again! Or for people with a medical condition only? As if…
Have you ever had a workday of more than 8 hours, standing on your feet? Hairdressers, chefs, shop assistants, stewards: we feel you. Your legs get heavy and painful, maybe even swollen, right? Or are you like us, siting behind a desk all day? Resulting in restless legs at the end of the day? We are guilty as charged on this one…

Enter STOX, compression socks that look great and feel comfortable, all while keeping up the blood circulation in your and our legs. Your muscles get all the oxygen you need, all toxins are removed and you feel like the world is at your feet (so sorry, we just love these feet puns!). Who said they are for grannies or patients only, right? Give it a try yourself. And who knows, feeling fit and energized all day long might just start at your feet.